Want To Unlock SUCCESS For Your Entire Family?
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...Even If Your Kids, Spouse, or Baby Daddy Doesn't Want to Cooperate 😬
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So, How Do You Position Your Kids For Success & Break Any Generational Cycles of Failure...
(AKA Teach Your 'Entire Family')
To Create A Vision & Plan For Success?
From: Natasha Cozart
Atlanta, Georgia

Let me know if this happened to you...

As a mother who is working while also trying to raise a well-balanced family, there have been times when you struggle to balance priorities... 
"Faith Without Works Is Dead"

We want what's best for our children...

And we do the best we can...

But the truth of the matter is...

The vision for their future can't be ours alone...

They must participate in their future vision...

As much as, if not more than, their current reality...

Whatever THEIR THING is...

Hoping that our kids will wake up one day suddenly wanting to be focused, disciplined, and mature.
And then we WAIT, for our kids to
wake up, take initiative, and come to us...
But unfortunately, they never "just" come...

Is that your story right now? Is that why you're here?

Do you have amazing kids who are capable of changing the world, but you don't know HOW to get your kids motivated and mobilized?

Or, does your story sound a little bit different?

Maybe you have a kid who's been somewhat successful in a sport or in academics, and you're seeing some great potential being expressed...

But the FRUSTRATION, of their wavering complacency...

Or of their mood swings, or even peer pressure, like so many others who have wasted potential and threaten to live in your house the rest of their lives... has you up at night wondering if you've actually raised a healthy child or enabled a complete human failure.

Have you ever thought...
"If I Can't Get Them To See Beyond The Latest Social Media Platform Or Their Video Games...
Am I Even A Decent Parent?"
My name is Natasha Cozart, and I'm the author of The Family Vision Planner, and as a working mother of six, I don't think there is anyone on this planet who is as obsessed with our children's future success like I am.
Just 9 years ago, I was struggling to survive a failing marriage. With five children under eight years old, while pregnant with my sixth, I needed a solution that would allow me to generate income, AND be present for my children.

When reality hit, I needed to have a plan because there was no option for retreat. 

To do that, I had to learn how to build a profitable business on my own.

AND since my children were so young, I couldn't do that if they were not capable of carrying their own load.

I had to learn how to do things differently... I had to be smarter. 
Nine Years And Many Failures Later...
That was 9 years ago...

During that time, I almost lost everything.

I knew I had a good business model and a few solid contracts, but it was very hard to maintain the balance of focus between family and my career.

I tried everything...

If someone said this would help you be more effective and balance your family, I tested it, on my own dime. 

Most of the things I tried didn't work...

But a few of the things, the "REAL STRATEGIES" that did work started to compound on each other. 

Each new strategy would help us tap into a new stream of productivity for me at work and success for my kids at home and at school!

What seemed impossible before (generating a consistent income flow for my business, while raising successful kids without major issues or know dysfunctions), was now a reality.

Because of the strategies that I have implemented in my family, I now have a six figure business, earn seven figures for my clients, and each of my six children attend private school!
My Kiddos on the First Day of School
At The Beach On Our First "Real" Vacation
This was the first time I was ever able to take my kids on a vacation as a single mother... just last year. 

Although I had to work the entire week, it was still great to give them an opportunity to enjoy the time away. It was the most freeing experience of my life thus far.

And that is just the beginning...
"What Would Happen To Your Family If You Had The Income You Needed & All The Time Freedom You Desired!?!"
As I was building this Success Plan for my family, and documenting all of the "Strategies" we were discovering in real time, I decided to start putting them together in a book to help other families, mothers, or single parents that i get to work with.

I spent over a year compiling all of my research and turning it into my new best selling book called:
Family Vision Planner: The Ultimate Guide
To Keeping Your Family Focused
And On A Pathway For Success...
I wrote this book because I knew that there were a ton of other parents, even single mothers just like myself who needed to learn these parenting secrets, so they could successfully grow in their career while also raising a healthy family without feeling guilt or remorse...

But in my wildest dreams, I couldn't begin to fathom the kind of response I began to get when I shared this book with my community. 

And now I want to help you uncover your family's greatest potential, and unlock the power of unity and vision for a legacy of success as well!

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planner to your doorstep, ASAP!
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the planner and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! 

Inside Of This NEW Planner... Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover For FREE!

Inside of The Family Vision Planner I will be sharing with you 10 secrets to help you get control of the chaos and position your family for success. 

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside of your free copy of this new book: 

Section 1: Becoming The Perfect Family

  • Secret #1: Learn the Perfect Parenting Formula that shifts your focus from the actions of perceived leadership and authority to earned, mutual respect and shared authority. 
  • Secret #2: Uncover Your Family History & Establish Your Future Identity by reviewing your lineage, celebrating their successes, and learning from their failures. 
  • Secret #3: Capture The Moment And Document The Journey as you build your family identity together. 

Section 2: Crafting Your Family's Future

  • Secret #4: Teach Your Family To Dream Aloud by removing hinderances to their imagination and challenging each other to think outside the box.
  • Secret #5: Capture and Document The Collective Creative Process so your growth can become realized and move toward the realm of possibility.
  • Secret #6: Create A Personal Profile For Each Member Of Your Family so that each person is recognized for who they are today and feels understood. 

Section 3: Planning To Succeed

  • Secret #7: Formulate Your Long Term Plan for one, five, and ten years to give your family a comprehensive view of the big picture.
  • Secret #8: Compile Your Complete Family Calendar For The Year to account for annual events, vacations, and school calendars with respect for the big picture plan. 
  • Secret #9: Compile Your Complete Family Calendar For The Month to account for the short term goals required to achieve the one year goals. 
  • Secret #10: Compile Your Complete Individual Calendar For The Week & Days to give direction to daily consistent activities that align with the big picture.

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Like I mentioned before, this planer is free. I'll pay for the planner and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

What Are Others Already Saying About The Family Vision Planner?

"I had the unique opportunity to watch Natasha as she created brilliant campaigns from scratch. 
What surprised me was her deep knowledge and fundamental ability to communicate that.
I really believe she will change the game."
- Marissa
"Natasha completely overdelivers and adds value to everything she does... 
She's a MACHINE! And I'm excited about where she'll take us in the future."
- Kia
"Natasha totally dives in. She's teaching things that others just don't get into. 
I appreciate that because I wanted to share what I have with the masses and take my business to the next level."
- Lenora
"I actually worked in this field for 10 years as a marketer. You'd think I would have learned the in's and out's, but it wasn't until Natasha that she showed me how backwards my process was. 
She showed me a new and better way."
- Toni
"I've only known her for 9 days and this has been the most productive week of my life.
Beforehand, I didn't know how to distinguish myself or show my brand value.
She showed me how to embrace my flaws and find my voice."
- Maria
"A year ago, I found Natasha, and she's be just as genuine and transparent then as she is now. 
She's raw and relevant, and I'm excited about the future. Thank you for bringing this into my life.
- Rachel

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Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the planner and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! 

Claim Your FREE BOOK Now and

Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - Family Vision Planner Masterclass

"How To Get Your Family On Board With The Planner, Even If They DO NOT Want To Cooperate"

Total Value: $97.00

Everyone in your family has a different personality, and will therefore require a different approach when tackling this goal-setting project. This may be such a foreign concept to your family that they completely reject the idea and refuse to cooperate. 

The good thing about this process is that it doesn't require cooperation from anyone outside of you. If you can listen and ask good questions, you will be able to win your family and get your family vision planner completed with or without their "cooperation."

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Family Vision Planner Today!

Bonus #2 - Operation Payback Book

"Operation Payback: 10 Ways Kids Can Show Appreciation To Parents And Make Their Own Money"

Total Value: $97.00

The Payback Project was started a few years ago with my oldest and and I to help him learn the value of hard work, reward, and gratitude. Most kids have a tendency to take their parents for granted, and sometimes they struggle to understand the value of hard work.

This project will talk kids through this experience from the perspective of their peers, while also allowing us as moms to chime in with words of wisdom to frame the conversation. This will most definitely lay a solid foundation for your kids to mature in a new way.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Family Vision Planner Today!

Bonus #3 - Daily Declarations - Digital

"Daily Declarations & Prayers For Kids" 

Total Value: $97.00

The daily declarations and prayers for kids is a great way to facilitate the personal responsibility our kids have to grow in their faith aside from what we teach them as parents. 

Even though my children grew up in a Christian household, they still struggle to maintain the simple discipline of prayer when faced with constant social and societal distractions. Having a tool like this helps bridge the gap.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Family Vision Planner Today!

Bonus #4 - Motivational Faith Message

"How To Recover & Advance In The New Year" Motivational Faith Message

Total Value: $97.00

The past few years have been very tough for many of us. Whether we've faced financial challenges, health and physical challenges, or simply struggled to keep the faith, know that there's always hope to recover what was lost and advance into the future with grace. 

I recently had an opportunity to share this message with my faith community and I believe it will also help to inspire and encourage you as you overcome the next transition in your personal life. 

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Family Vision Planner Today!

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order The Family Vision Planner Today!

  • Copy of Family Vision Planner ($34.97 Value)
  • Family Vision Planner Masterclass ($97.00 Value)
  • The Payback Project & Workbook ($97.00 Value)
  • Daily Prayer Declarations For Teens ($24.97 Value)
  • How to Recover & Advance in the New Year ($24.97 Value)

Total Value: $278.91

Get Your Copy Today For


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